Carpe Diem


Sleeping like…

Stopping herself mid sentence

The phrase too perfect to exclaim

She peered into the room

Where her Mother’s last days

Lived in a kind of innocent joy

Peppered with excruciating pain


Every day a journey

This one quiet and gentle

Her soft snore revealing nothing

Her open mouth seemed

Her soul’s easy exit


Lavender perfume

Purposefully administered

Abated the dull roar of transition

While friends whispered incantations

Of what still needed to be done


Once again she stepped over the threshold

Into an unworldly experience of love

A love almost unbearable

As passage seemed eminent

And all seemed in agreement


Perhaps one more rally

One more chance to share stories

But having not spoken in three days

It seemed impossible to imagine


She sunk into the bedside witness chair

And laying back to perhaps join her Mother’s dreams

She fell fast asleep

Awakening from a peaceful, dreamless sleep

She knew it to be her time to say good-bye


Placing her lips on her Mother’s cheek

Knowing it might be the final life kiss

She once again breathed in her scent

As flashes of childhood roared by



Whispering their secret mantra

“I love you so…always have and always will”

She took her leave without looking back

“I love you so…always have and always will”

She knew it was her time

Their mutual love might delay her passing


As if still in that dreamless sleep

She exited her Mother’s apartment

Walking down the hall

She moved through the front door

And as she breathed in the fresh air

She looked up into the sky

To see a new moon


Just three hours later

Her angelic caretaker

A buffed, soft spoken giant of a man

Witnessed her Mother’s last breath

He shared with the Daughter

It was gentle and sweet


And as Mother and Daughter

Celebrated a new beginning

A kind of metaphoric birth ensued

Both stepping soundly into a new life